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Parkside Small Business Façade Improvement
Facade Improvement

The PBCIP Façade Improvement Program provides grants to property owners willing to renovate the street - front exteriors of their structures. The grants will be used for restoring, beautifying, or enhancing the publicly visible store front or entire façades of commercial, residential, or mixed use buildings. Click here to view the design guide


The Façade Improvement program will provide rehabilitation
assistance for needed exterior façade repairs and improvements

  • For grants <$5,000 a $500 application fee will be required

  • For grants >$5,000 a 1:1 match may be required


Who is Eligible?

  • Property owners of commercial/mixed-use structures and building tenants, with leases of more than one year in length. Tenants will need written approval from building owners.

  • Properties that are used in whole or part for service or commercial activities.

  • Located along Haddon Ave between Pine Street and Euclid Ave.

  • Must be up to date on all tax payments.

What are the requirements?

  • Consistency with the Storefront Façade Design Guidelines.

  • Consistency with the goals of the Parkside Neighborhood Plan.

  • Must use one of PBCIP's approved contractors, or get the desired contractor pre-approved before construction begins.

  • Approval before starting construction. If work begins before application or approval, funding will not be provided.

Business owners are encouraged to apply for Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) funding to supplement these funds. This requires becoming a member of UEZ. Find out more at:

For more details contact R'Lay Wilkerson at (856) 964-0440, x. 16 or

Facade Example Pic
Clean Team
Clean Team

Our Clean Team supports our community building initiative. Our team consists of unemployed and underemployed residents that build new employment records and skills while providing lot clean-ups, distributing flyers, streetscape maintenance and various other essential manual labor support for PBCIP projects.  


Want to submit an area in Parkside for a clean-up?

Contact Sheilah Greene at (856) 964-0440, x. 13 or at

Parkside NPP Acton Plan
Neighborhood Preservation Program

Funding Action Plan

The Neighborhood Preservation Plan (NPP) program, which began in 1975, focuses on revitalizing neighborhoods through local planning and community participation and building local capacity and coordination to maximize grant funding and sustain neighborhood vitality. Camden's Haddon Avenue is now one of 40 neighborhoods participating in the program.

The Haddon Avenue Implementation Plan (click here to review plan) seeks to provide a framework for making meaningful change for the  Parkside community. Through a collaborative community  process that included community engagement, data  analysis, and review of prior research, this Implementation  Plan proposes the following goals: 


  • Goal 1: Support new and existing businesses and encourage entrepreneurship. 

  • Goal 2: Create and curate a vibrant, culturally rich,  and locally supportive corridor that helps tell the  Parkside Story. 

  • Goal 3: Enhance the physical conditions of the  corridor to create a safer, more welcoming area for  residents and visitors. 

  • Goal 4: Strengthen, support, and sustain local  residents and improvements to the corridor. 

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The NPP Program is funded by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs


Thanks for connecting with us!

Office: (856) 964-0440  |  Fax: (856) 964-3664

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