Community Meetings
Parkside Virtual Community Meetings

Parkside Neighborhood Plan 2017-2027
Better Together In Parkside -#ParksidePerfection
PBCIP’s neighborhood planning effort, a 10-month, resident-driven project established a comprehensive strategic plan for transformative neighborhood change (click here to download). The Parkside neighborhood plan has been adopted into the City of Camden's Master Plan.
Over 900 residents and stakeholders, guided by PBCIP and its consultants, set forth goals and action steps that address comprehensive community and economic development strategies.
The implementation phase being funded (in part) by Wells Fargo Regional Foundation includes concrete steps toward accomplishing significant milestones in commercial development, housing, education, neighborhood services and health & active living initiatives.
Parkside Collaborative's Call to Action
The Parkside collaborative is a group of local partners coming together to transform and revitalize the Parkside neighborhood. With support from the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation, we are working together to create a flourishing neighborhood over the next 5 years – one where a new generation will be employed with quality jobs, families will access new green spaces and healthy food, and in all, a new, stronger future will be built in Parkside.
As we build this better future, we have a collective vision that any person walking up and down our blocks will see:
Revitalized gardens, parks and trails – from rehabilitated Farnham Park plaza to the new Camden Historical Society Museum “History Garden”
More healthy produce affordable and accessible for all residents
Economic prosperity through place making and artistic spaces that inspire and build connections for quality living, working and creating
More recreational activities and trailways to support resident fitness and health
A vibrant business corridor along Haddon Avenue with stronger retail shops and new community based entrepreneurs filling real estate vacancies and providing jobs for residents.
A new generation of Parkside youth engaged and employed in technology focused industries and continuing to live in the neighborhood
Equal access to healthy food and jobs through gardening
Over time, Parkside structures, streets, and blocks will be revitalized – as we together build and grow connections, progress, and hope. Now, the question is; how do you want to be a part of this change?
Click here to download a copy of Parkside's Goals & Impacts.

Helpful Links
City of Camden: http://ci.camden.nj.us/
Camden County: http://www.camdencounty.com/
CCMUA: http://www.ccmua.org/
City of Camden Water: https://camdennj.gwfathom.com/